Press Release

The Government has responded this morning to the TACC petition for an independent evaluation of the much discredited Cass Review. As to be expected we have been told that in no uncertain terms the review is independent it isn’t, members of SEGM a known transgender hate group where part of the so called unbiased team.

The Review is constantly peddled by the government as being robust however it is a non-peer reviewed hit job over turning decades of trans healthcare which has a robust success rate of over 90%, and yet the opinion of non-experts in the field of gender dysphoria are placed above those with decades of experience.

York University which conducted the systematic review of current research used a modified version of the Newcaste-Ottawa protocol, which is prone to bias if not conducted properly and yet we have been unable via FOI’s to obtain the exact parameters in which this was carried out.

As always this highlights the institutional transphobia both in the NHS and the current Government if there is nothing to hide then why keep doubling down when the majority of the trans population and the parents of those in the system know the results are not based in facts.

We deserve quality healthcare not conversion therapy, the denial we exist nor the pathologization of gender dysphoria rooted in mental health bigotry.

TACC plans to take this fight further so please keep posting the petition we need to get to 100k signatures and watch this space for more details.